
Ärkebiskopens kondoleansbrev till Pakistan

Med anledning av terrordådet i Lahore, Pakistan, i söndags – riktat mot påskfirare – har Svenska kyrkan genom ärkebiskop Antje Jackelén skickat kondoleanser till Church of Pakistan.

To: The Most Revd Samuel Azariah, Bishop of Raiwind & Moderator of the Church of Pakistan, LAHORE

Easter Week 2016

Dear Brother in Christ,

"The Lord GOD will wipe away the tears from all faces" (Isaiah 25:8).

These words of hope were read in the Church of Sweden on Easter Day, the day of the victory of Life darkened by the dreadful act of terror in Lahore.

With anguish we received the news about the events in Lahore on Easter Day. We pray for the victims and families who have lost their loved ones and for the Christians in Pakistan who continue to be a target of senseless violence that kills indiscriminately, women and children, Muslims and Christians. We ask you to keep us updated on how the situation develops.

We implore all people with decision-making power in Pakistan to ensure that the country is safe for all people and to find proactive means to struggle against violent extremism. We urge faith leaders who preach or tacitly support violence to repent and turn to God, the Almighty and ever Compassionate.

May God bless you in your leadership in this critical time.

Trusting that the Risen Christ is with his Church in Pakistan and that the Light of Easter shines upon us all,

Yours in Christ,

The Most Revd Dr Antje Jackelén
Archbishop of Uppsala

Ärkebiskopens ord om terrordådet i Pakistan

I samband med annandagens högmässa berörde ärkebiskop Antje Jackelén i inledningsordet det fasansfulla terrordådet som riktades mot påskfirare i staden Lahore i Pakistan.