
A woman's body becomes a field of battle

Dr Margareta Sidenvall was asked by Church of Sweden if she could make herself available to support the hospital, specifically focusing on the gynecological and obstetrical ward, in Liberia after many years of conflicts.

Read her story here: 
A Woman's Body becomes a Field of Battle- A survey among women affected by the civil war in Liberia (pdf, 168 sidor)

If you want the book in paper-edition you are welcome to contact or Fyris-Tryck AB, tfn: 018-13 77 55.

The price is 200 SEK and that is only to cover costs for printing. 


By the time the peace agreement was finally signed in 2003 Liberia had been torn apart by many years of conflicts. The losses in lives and social structures are not possible to count or measure. The wounds were deep and trust lost.

The Lutheran Church in Liberia (LCL) is running some health facilities. The Phebe hospital is a very important institution in the part of the country where it is situated. During the war the pressure on the hospital and its staff was extreme. A request for support came from LCL. The staff of the hospital was stretched to its limits.

Dr Margareta Sidenvall was asked by Church of Sweden if she could make herself available to support the hospital, specifically focusing on the gynecological and obstetrical ward. Dr Sidenvall accepted and put a lot of commitment into the missions she did at Phebe hospital.

In addition to the medical tasks, she was asked to try to get an overview of the health condition of women as a lot of reports were pointing at more or less systematic sexual violence on women.

This became one of the more important parts of her work.
A number of years have passed, but the material is important as documentation and possibly use in other contexts.

Maria Lundberg
International Programme Director
Church of Sweden

Margareta Sidenvall is a Swedish gynaecologist who has been working with female health issues in several countries.

During the years 2004–2007 Margareta Sidenvall made surveys in Bong County in the northeast part of Liberia to assess how that civil war had affected women. More than 1300 women were interviewed about their war traumas with emphasis on sexual violence.

The book is a useful complement to shed light on the position of women in war and how women can survive horrifying situations while still taking care of their dependants.

The Author: Margareta Sidenvall