
The Church of Sweden and the Sami - a White Paper Project

Here you can find two presentations of the White Paper Project in English. In a short summary Daniel Lindmark and Olle Sundström present the background, assignment, organisation and results of the project. You can also access an extended and updated English version of the final report from the project, i.e. the popular science book of 2017.

Background to the White Paper Project

The White Paper Project on the Church of Sweden and the Sami should be seen against the background of the reconciliation work between the Church and the Sami undertaken during the past quarter century.

Inspired by international ecumenical efforts, this work was initiated in the Church of Sweden in the early 1990s. In both the northern dioceses and in the central organisation of the Church of Sweden, work was begun to provide better opportunities for integrating Sami people and Sami experiences into parish and church service activities. A national Sami council in the Church of Sweden was created in 1996 and Sami work groups were formed at diocesan level.

Download the summary

Download the English version of the popular science book