
Nyhet / Publicerad 16 mars 2015 / Ändrad 18 juli 2019

Ärkebiskopen skickar kondoleansbrev med anledning av bombdåd mot kyrkor

Ärkebiskop Antje Jackelén har idag skickat ett kondoleansbrev till biskop Samuel Azariah med anledning av söndagens bombdåd mot två kyrkor i staden Lahore i Pakistan.

Läs ärkebiskopens brev i sin helhet (pdf, på engelska)

I sitt brev hänvisar ärkebiskopen till det pressmeddelande som kyrkan i Pakistan skickade ut efter attackerna. Läs hela pressmeddelandet nedan.

Pressmeddelande från kyrkan i Pakistan


Sunday, March 15, 2015.

Bishop Samuel Azariah, the President Bishop of the Church of Pakistan, has strongly condemned the cowardly and inhuman act of terrorists against a religious minority in Pakistan; he also expressed the insecurity of minorities in the Pakistani context. 

This act is yet another sign of hatred and animosity of the terrorists against the people who are not in the fold of their ‘faith’. Secondly, their targeting of the weak and marginalized is not a sign of bravery but a sign of cowardice. 

 The Bishop expressed that it is the responsibility of the State to provide security and protection to all people and especially to those who are weak, marginalized and are smaller in number. Time and again, the Government has failed to protect the most vulnerable of the Pakistani society. 

As a Religious leader of the Christian community, the honorable Bishop has called upon the Christians of Pakistan for prayer, fasting and seeking of God’s forgiveness for those cruel people who have no faith but walk in darkness. 

The Bishop has called upon all Christian denominations in Pakistan to stand united in this time of trial and difficulty, and has stated that we shall overcome through our love and kindness upon those who believe in evil and inhuman acts.

Finally the Bishop reminded that as a nation we should remember the commitments from the founding fathers on the freedom, security and protection of Non-Muslims in Pakistan.

The Bishop also expressed his deep disappointment on the individuals that took the law in their hands and in their state of anger brutally killed two people. Taking of life is not what is taught in the Christian faith and the Bishop said that we must be careful of such acts and let the law take its due course.