
The University Chaplaincy Team a support for you as a student. We create meeting places for reflection about existential questions and faith.

You are welcome to come to us to talk about anything related to life and being human. It doesn’t have to be about religion or faith. We are trained and experienced in meeting people in various life situations. For example, you can talk to us about grief, anxiety, life crises, relationship issues, or existential questions.

Join our various activities or come for a private conversation in confidence. You can find us on the second floor of the Kåren building. We have drop-in hours for conversations on Thursdays from 10-12 and 13-14:30, but we are also available at other times by appointment. What you talk about will always be kept a secret.

Kind regards

Kristina Hyse, Student chaplain, 
021-81 46 13, 

Sara Forslund, Student chaplain
073-967 34 30,

Miche Turner, Student educator, 
021-81 46 23,

Instagram: @universitetskyrkanvasteras
Facebook: Universitetskyrkan Västerås

Location: Kårhuset at Mälardalen University, on the second floor.

Talk to someone at the university chaplaincy

Sometimes life doesn't turn out as expected, and it can be comforting to share your thoughts with someone and talk about what's difficult

Welcome to our Conversation café

Welcome to evenings with coffee, new connections, and interesting conversations! All MDU students and young adults in Västerås are welcome!

Creative café

Do crafts, relax, or just hang out! We meet every Thursday!

Student choir

Are you a student and interested in singing in a choir?

Kontakta Universitetskyrkan

Contact the staff at the Student Chaplaincy