Foto: Magnus Aronson


Welcome as a member of the Church of Sweden

Use the form below to apply or simply write a letter to your local parish
Application form for membership (PDF)

Membership through baptism

The Church of Sweden baptizes children, teens and adults. By being baptized in the Church of Sweden you become a member of our church. Consult with your local priest regarding the best way to prepare for your baptism.

If your have been baptized in another church are hearty welcome as a member of the Church of Sweden.

Do contact your local parish in order to find out which forms of Christian education, discussion groups etc they offer.

Read more about the membership

Act of baptism
Priest: NN, I baptise you
in the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.
God of life,
fill NN with Your Spirit,
and help him/her day by day
to live as your child.