During his study tour with students in Jerusalem he will present an open lecture at STI with the title "St. Birgitta as a Pilgrim", and describes the lecture as follows:
Pilgrimage is back. Increasing numbers of Westerners are setting out on foot in order to explore the spiritual dimensions of existence. Concomitantly, scholars display a rising interest in pilgrimage as a human activity, both now and in the past. The present lecture is both an exploration of the medieval concept of pilgrimage and an experiment in biography with relevance for today. What happens if we suppose that pilgrimage for St. Birgitta was a conceptual framework which she employed habitually throughout life in order to interpret her own existence and express her objectives? What happens if we ‘read’ the events of her life as the experiences of a pilgrim? Does it give us a fresh perspective on the past – and perhaps even on present existence?
For more info on Prof. Borgehammar, click: https://portal.research.lu.se/portal/en/persons/stephan-borgehammar(3c3b6694-14fc-4c4d-b967-e9cac9b5ef4b).html
Outdoor event: Haneviim 58
Refreshments will be served. RSVP, click going on Facebook or 📧 sti@swedtheol.co.il or ☎️ 02-625 38 22