All saints day

All saints day and the sunday after

Saturday and Sunday, 6-7 november

Do not be afraid, I'm with you. Do not be afraid, I am your God. I give you strength and help you, support and save you with my hand.

Isaiah 41:10

Let’s meet in our churches and at Grifte- gården at all saints day and Sunday after. On Saturday, we light candles for our loved ones who died during the year in connection with the memorial service and at Griftegården between 14-17 pm. 

This weekend, in Sweden and the world, we are paying attention and remember those who have left this life. We decorate their graves with flowers and light candles that light up in the dark.


All saints day 
saturday 6 november 2021

11.00  I  Church service with communian
Hässelby Strands kyrka
David Kindbom, kyrkoherde/präst  
Cecilia Olsson, musiker

14.00-17.00  I  Griftegården i Hässelby
Hässelby Griftegårdskapell
Jacob Hartman, präst 
Diakoner finns på plats
Håkan Jonsson, trumpet

18.00  I  Memorial service with lighting of candles 
Hässelby Villastads kyrka
Jacob Hartman, präst 
Hässelby Kammarkör, Mona Ehntorp, körledare 
 Cecilia Olsson, musiker

The Sunday after all saints day
Sunday 7 november 2021

11.00  I  Högmässa
Hässelby Strands kyrka
Elisabeth Öberg Hansén, präst  
Mona Ehntorp, musik

12.00-13.00  I  Open church for lighting of candles
 Hässelby Strands kyrka