
Tal på Nairobi Summit 2019

Den 12-14 november medverkade ärkebiskop Antje Jackelén i FN-konferensen Nairobi Summit i Kenya. Hon var inbjuden av UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) att delta i ett panelsamtal om tro och SRHR – sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa och rättigheter. Hon var också en av få utvalda att tala vid avslutningsceremonin, och här är ärkebiskopens tal.

ICPD+25 Nairobi Summit

SRHR is a win-win concept. Societies that are gender just will flourish more than those that aren’t.
However, if you want to address these issues successfully, you need to engage faith communities. Because: the majority of people belong to faith communities; faith communities have stable access to people even in areas where state structures are weak; and change of behavior involves world views, deep intrinsic values and spirituality.

Now, some churches continue to be part of the problem. But even more so, churches have been, are and can be part of the solution. We have a sound theological basis, since the Creator created humans equal, endowed us with reason to understand nature, including our sexual nature. And bodies matter to God, because, according to Christian faith, God took on a human body in Jesus Christ.


  • Keep at it - together! Cultivate perseverance and hope that has room for anger about injustice, humility when it comes to our place in creation, and courage to change.
  • Challenge false theologies.
  • Lift up research that shows the effectiveness of gender justice work.
  • Lift up good examples on both governance and grassroots levels.
  • Empower women in leadership.
  • Last not least: provide safe and brave spaces for difficult conversations and keep those conversations going.